If the transmission on your vehicle is starting to go, you're probably shuddering at the thought of shelling out hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a replacement. However, if it turns out that repair isn't a cost-effective option, this may be your only choice. Fortunately, you can save a lot of money on replacing your car's transmission by buying one that's used. Before you buy a used transmission--whether it be automatic or manual--there are some important questions you need to ask the seller.
1. Was it Refurbished By ASE-Certified Mechanics?
First of all, make sure that any used transmission you buy has been refurbished; this means it's been run through a series of diagnostics tests and that any and all issues detected have been corrected. Specifically, check to ensure that the mechanics who worked on refurbishing the used transmission are ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified. This way, you can rest assured that a highly trained and knowledgeable mechanic worked on the repairs. Any reputable used car part shop should have proof of mechanics' certifications on file to show you.
2. What Kind of Warranty is Included?
When it comes to buying a used car part as vital as a transmission, you don't want to end up stuck with an "as-is" purchase. While most warranties on used car parts are rather limited, it's better to have at least some kind of guarantee that your part is going to function after it's installed. Ideally, you'll want to find a shop that's willing to guarantee the part for at least a year. In some cases, you may even be able to add on a warranty for a nominal fee, which will likely be worth it for the additional peace of mind.
3. Do You Have a List of Relevant References?
Finally, don't buy from a used part shop that's not reputable. Any respected part shop should be able to provide you with a list of references of people they've sold similar parts to in the past. Be sure to follow up with those references and don't hesitate to ask them if the used part they bought is still holding up. Specifically, ask for references of customers who bought a similar model of used transmission in the past. If you're buying from an online shop, you should still be able to request references, so don't overlook this, no matter what medium you're using to buy your used part.
To learn more, visit Four-Twenty-Two Auto Wrecking.